Monday, May 26, 2008

21 Day Cleanse - The Introduction

My mom saw this program on Oprah last week.  We felt like taking the challenge.  I am a vegetarian and my mom is an omnivore.  I'd like to say this is going to be easy for me but I think giving up drinking for 21 days is going to be just as difficult as my mom giving up animal products.

Yesterday I went shopping to stock up on vegan friendly and gluten free groceries.  I was surprised how much food I got for the same amount as I've been spending.  I guess all that prepared and processed foods add up.  I'm already feeling more aware about what I am putting into my body.  The lack of bulky packaging on fresh foods is also noticeable.

"This Jump-Start Cleanse will eliminate sources of toxins and allergens, giving the digestive system a break from working overtime to process the substances that inhibit optimum performance the most. Again, increased energy, better digestion, and relief from various aches and pains (including headaches, muscle aches, and joint pain) are just a few of the known benefits."

Basic Guidelines:
For 21 Days
No Animal Products
No Alcohol
No Caffeine
Limited Sugar
No Gluten

Just a few of my purchases:


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